Monday, August 5, 2013

Day 21! Dang you, Dr. Oz!

Dang you, Dr. Oz!!

Ok, so I love the Dr. Oz show. He always has great information to share and always practical but he always makes me want to jump online and buy about 100,000 things!

 With eating clean I am always buying fresh produce and racing to eat it all up before it goes bad. I also have a lot more that needs to be stored in the fridge now and I want to pull my hair out when Andrew puts things in the fridge. He is always putting things in the wrong spot!! :) Not that he can read my mind and know where the "right spot" for anything is... ha But I am always rearranging. Weird..I know..But I like to know what I do have, what were low on and what we need when I am meal planning.

So, after the fridge looked like a tornado hit it, I tried my best to get things organized again.

Much better...But..not good enough! 
I was watching Dr. Oz. this morning as well and he had a woman on his show talking about ways to keep fresh produce fresh for longer! She suggested these BPA free green food storage containers! I did a little research and found that I need to be using all BPA free anyways. I thought I would give it a try.
I ordered a set and hopefully it well help keep things organized and fresh longer!
These are what I went with!

In doing some research I had also come across these gostaks, also BPA free! I have been following many different people who are eating clean and meal prep each week. They all seem to suggest using things like this to help stay organized. I bought a set and will see if I like it. I am hoping that it will cut down on two sometimes three lunch boxes that It takes me to pack my days worth of meals!

So today is DAY 21!!!!  That's right, only 3 days left of this challenge!

I know that it will be a little more work, but I am going to continue with my clean eating. I just don't see any reason not to. I have really learned a lot with this challenge and I am loving the results. I might let myself have a cheat day here and there where I allow myself to have things like wine, beer or a slightly less healthy meal when dinning out, but probably will try to stay away from that more often then not. Like once a month! The goal here is to continue working towards a healthy weight, not maintain my weight loss so far. 

The other day I was reading a post from Mama Laughlin: Suck it up Buttercup and even though I am not allowing myself to slack off while on this challenge, it reminded me just how important it is to not slack off when you have goals in mind, even after the challenge ends in 3 days.

"You can't half-ass weight loss. That's called maintenance, and it will get you nowhere."
 -Mama Laughlin

I just have to remember that eventually I will get there. Eventually I will be able to enter the maintenance phase. But that isn't now, not today, not tomorrow, not even on the day after day 24! 
Honestly, It probably won't even be that day until after the new year! But that is OK with me because I see the light at the end of the tunnel and I can do this! Who wants to put that crappy food in their body anyways.. haha Right?? Yeah...I'd like to say NOT ME, but I'd only be half ass saying it. Sometimes I do want a BIG SLICE of pizza or a big bowl of something cheesy... haha But then I just try to find an all natural way of eating something like that...

Like this morning...I was really wanting some pancakes! Some yummy, hot and buttery pan cakes!

However, I wasn't willing to blow my challenge on pan cakes.
So I jumped on pinterest and looked around for something I could eat.

Just tossed 1/4 cup of oats, splash of organic vanilla soy milk and almost a whole banana into my little blender. Then I poured a pancake onto a skillet at low heat. This made about 4 small pancakes. I put a little all natural peanut butter on top wit the remaining bananas. It was really good!
Just two of the pancakes were pretty filling so I shared with Bailey! ;)

He doesn't really get much table food anymore so he was pretty happy! We are trying to cut down his weight also. For health reasons! :)

Here are a couple other things I've made this past week!

Turkey meatballs and couscous with onions and mushrooms on the side! So good!!

Spaghetti squash with onions, tomatoes and mushrooms! We also ended up added some left over meatballs to this which was really good too! I was surprisingly very full before even getting half way into this!

From here on out, I will be trying really hard to find some crock pot clean eating meals as my 3 day work week will go back to being a 6 sometimes 7 day work week of 14 hour work days! So if you have any ideas or recipes you would like to share PLEASE do!!


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