Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Spark makes me happier than a camel on hump day!

Haha! Yes, I sure do love my spark. Actually, I am enjoying some spark right now! I have to another night class tonight, so I have to be on it! I am also using catalyst now too! I LOVE CATALYST!!!!!!!

About three weeks ago I decided to challenge myself to get my butt up earlier and on the treadmill in the mornings! I can't believe the results I am seeing and feeling within these short three weeks! Eating healthy and using my Adovcare products- Spark, catalyst, thermoplus and sometimes carbease!! I can feel a huge difference in my clothes yet again.

As Andrew says, I look "tighter" in my stomach, arms and legs! ha.

I just can't believe the difference I am seeing in my stomach with adding a morning work out and catalyst into my routine this past month. Its a great motivator to keep working hard! My friend "the pouch" (you know-that wonderful lower stomach area!!) is shrinking away before my eyes!!!!

Ohhhhh yeah!! BUH BYE! :)

Anyways, I was looking at some pictures from today and this past couple of weeks to those from the past couple of years and just thought I would share!

One word comes to mind after I saw these-- YIKES! 

Here are some more recent pictures-I have even lost since my 24 day challenge ended!
 My Beautiful little sister-who is ALWAYS cute and little! :)


OK-so just a comparison...Here are pictures from the start of my 24 day challenge, mid challenge, and today.

 OK-So I hate these stupid selfies, but I want to show the difference from the first picture to these last two pictures. 
Thats 10lbs down and about 7inches down in my hips. I've got so far to go still but I feel like I am finally getting there!

Well, that was a quick update! My Mom is on her last 14 days of the 24 day challenge and is loving it! She is also learning how to eat clean and do so well!!! So proud of you Mom!!!!!
