Friday, July 19, 2013

I feel nice, like sugar and spice!

So today is day 5 of clean eating and the advocare herbal cleanse! 

Yup, day 5! 

My tummy, legs and arms are shrinking!!
I still feel like I have more energy then ever and I have slept really well the last few nights. So much better than I have been. Sleeping all through the night and waking up not feeling groggy is a good feeling.
I've even been headache free for the past four days which has been a nice change!

I have found some new favorites foods/meals over the past few days!

Hummus, the artichoke and spinach flavor was my favorite with carrots and oatmeal with bananas in it, which reminds me of banana bread. Last night Andrew made some awesome shish kabobs for me on the grill which were loaded up with chicken, squash, onions, peppers and my favorite, mushrooms! He smothered his with BBQ sauce while I enjoyed mine plain. I like them better that way anyways! Also, I am still drinking lots and lots of water! 


Andrew, as always has been great motivation! Especially when he knows that I am really working hard at something, he never fails to tell me everyday, multiple times a day, that he is proud of me, he tells me that I am looking great (even when I'm not), that he can tell I am losing inches or weight (even when I'm not) or that he can really tell that I have been working out (ha ha even when I'm not!)
 He always makes me feel good, especially on those days that I feel like I've had a set back, gained a lb back or haven't had time to work out or eat the best.
In one of his sweet pep talks last night he told me how setting goals and not giving up is really an attractive quality in me. If that isn't motivation to keep going in my 5 more days of this challenge, then I don't know what its! I'll take it!
 My mom, my friends, especially one of my best friends, Lauren and my advocare distributor, Tina Mulnix (I highly suggest you go through her as your distributor if you plan on using any adovcare products! She will take good care of you!) have also been a really big help and motivators these past 5 days too! 

When I first started hearing about advocare products and clean eating I jumped on pinterest-I don't know what I ever did without pinterest! I was looking at before and after pictures, products and stories when I came across Megan's picture!

I thought, UM WOW! Now those are some great results! So, I did what any normal person would do...ha ha I found her on facebook through the link on her pinterest account and added her! 
I was very curious to see if she had any information about her journey in getting these awesome results and getting healthy!

After talking to Megan she told me that she went from drinking 3-6 sodas a day to water and spark. That she was able to go from 233 lbs to 150 lbs., losing 73 lbs by changing her diet and eating habits! With clean eating, exercise and advocare products she reached her goals! I thought that was pretty awesome! She has also been helpful with any questions I've had!  

Yesterday, I even ordered more advocare products so that I could continue onto the MAX PHASE (you have to say it in a Hulk Hogan voice so it sounds really cool!) which is another 14 days, making this a 24 day challenge! Wooohoo!

I, I feel nice, like sugar and spice
I feel nice, like sugar and spice
So, nice!
So, nice!

(Don't sing it, it will get stuck in you head! Thanks James Brown!)


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