Monday, February 17, 2014

7 weeks of working it!

This is NOW the 7th week of me CONSISTENTLY working out 5/6 times a week! Not just a couple sit ups here and there but seriously committing and getting my butt kicked! :)

In these past 7 weeks I am now DOWN 8.5 inches in my hips, legs and arms all together AND another 4 lbs on the scale! :) Right now I am only really concerned with the inches and I am tracking that more than anything.

This might not seem like a big deal to YOU, BUT this girl HATES working out and I never stick with it for more than a couple weeks at a time. I can honestly say, I look forward to my workouts and the harder the better! I'm not afraid of a little body sculpting either! In fact, I look forward to it!

Who am I and where did the old Karah go? Idk and idc because I love this new obsession! I feel great!

HEY- dropping the inches isn't bad either! ;)

Speaking of obsessions...I bought a POLAR FT4 and I'm loving it. Its nice to see my progress after my work outs and track my heart rate during workouts.

I have also been obsessed with meal preps! I am setting aside a couple hours every Sunday evening after my jazzercise body sculpting class to prep ALL of my meals for the week. I am measuring out my protein, carbs, fats and fruits! I am making sure I have enough of the clean healthy foods I need to eat right and to make good choices during the week!

Here are some of the things going into my food preps!

I honestly have not been measuring or stepping on the scale lately. I truly don't know where I am at right now. But I know that my clothes fit looser and I feel great! I can see my body changing too! I am building muscle and I am loving it!

NOW....If we could just get RID of the crappy valentines crap laying around my house I would be doing even better!!!


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